What’s CIPP? We’re Glad You Asked


A burst or leaking pipe can be a commercial building owner’s nightmare. Sewer and waterline breaks can cause significant water damage that’s costly to repair. It can shutter a business or residence until things are restored back to normal. When people encounter broken pipes, they envision construction crews on site for months, breaking up concrete… Continue reading What’s CIPP? We’re Glad You Asked

Need Sewage Repair Right Now?


Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash Damaged sewage lines can be a real pain to repair. Clogged or broken pipes can disrupt a home’s sanitation and leave unpleasant odors. If major sewer damage occurs in an office building, it could cause shutdowns that cost owners and businesses a lot of money. Getting rapid repairs on broken sewer systems… Continue reading Need Sewage Repair Right Now?

The Dangers of Cross Boring and How to Eliminate Them


Cross boring is an issue that many municipalities and public utility companies deal with. When working on underground projects, construction companies can unintentionally install one utility through another. The risk of cross boring is heightened as more utility companies move towards trenchless technology that foregoes the traditional method of excavating large holes for utility lines.… Continue reading The Dangers of Cross Boring and How to Eliminate Them

Video Cameras Can Help to Save the Day for Your Old Pipes


We all know piping and plumbing problems can be costly and time-consuming for your business. In the past, just trying to find out what and where the problem was often the longest part of the process. But today there are much more efficient ways to go about diagnosing and fixing issues with your commercial pipes.… Continue reading Video Cameras Can Help to Save the Day for Your Old Pipes

How to Choose a CIPP Contractor?


Choosing a CIPP contractor can be difficult. As these services are slowly becoming more common, there can be fierce competition between firms. This is what to look for in the right CIPP contractor. Choose the right firm and get the job done!  Professional Experience CIPP is a broad field. There are a lot of uses… Continue reading How to Choose a CIPP Contractor?

Differences Between Pipelining in a Big City versus a Small-Town


Not all pipelining jobs are equal. Dallas pipelining is going to have different priorities and problems than pipelining in a small town. Contracting with a company familiar with the complexity of urban lateral lines, or familiar with small-town ordinances, can be the difference between a smooth installation and a headache.  Big Cities Need Fastest Speeds… Continue reading Differences Between Pipelining in a Big City versus a Small-Town

Common Problems When Fixing Commercial Pipes in Dallas, TX


Commercial pipes are responsible for keeping the daily flow of Dallas life going. In such a large city, it can be difficult to maintain pipelines. Not only are buildings and other infrastructures often in the way of damaged pipes, there are also so many people. This alone takes a toll on commercial pipes’ increased amount… Continue reading Common Problems When Fixing Commercial Pipes in Dallas, TX

Don’t Destroy Your Landscape: CIPP Pipeline Repair


Pipelines tend to last longer than many other structures, but that doesn’t mean they last forever. There comes a time when pipelines have to be either repaired or replaced. When this time comes, there is a big choice to make between traditional or modern methods. Traditional pipeline repair methods involve exposing the damaged pipeline by… Continue reading Don’t Destroy Your Landscape: CIPP Pipeline Repair

How Durable Is CIPP Rehabilitation?


Pipelines in Dallas, Texas have to endure mass amounts of pressure and usage each and every day. Just like any other big city, Dallas’ pipelines are responsible for carrying daily essentials to and from commercial areas. However, with so much wear and tear these pipelines often require rehabilitation. With traditional pipeline rehabilitation methods, this could… Continue reading How Durable Is CIPP Rehabilitation?