How to Deal with Tree Roots


Tree roots cause a lot of damage to pipelines every year. The hot Texas summers make it seem like trees are delicate. However, most trees are well established and can take a lot of abuse before giving up. Mostly, they absorb water from many different kinds of moisture, even if it’s full of waste. This… Continue reading How to Deal with Tree Roots

What Dallas Summers Can Do to Pipe Seams


Dallas summers are no joke. When the temperature’s climbing and the water through your pipes is flowing, you can wind up with problems in your pipe seams. The hot weather makes trees desperate for water, which means they often break into your pipes. Additionally, the rapid changes in temperature can weaken any pipe seams that… Continue reading What Dallas Summers Can Do to Pipe Seams

Should CIPP Pipes Be Bonded to Their Host Pipe


As CIPP grows more popular, misconceptions about the process grow more abundant. One of the biggest questions for those considering CIPP, is whether or not the liner will bond to the host pipe. While the perfect seal is easy to see as desirable, CIPP still provides amazing results without it. This article details how the… Continue reading Should CIPP Pipes Be Bonded to Their Host Pipe

Why Choose CIPP when Renovating Your Property


Renovating your property can raise its value dramatically. If you’re putting together the budget and the plan to renovate your whole property, it’s better to do your pipe system renovations at the same time. They can be completed in as little as one day, they last decades, and CIPP won’t complicate your other renovation plans.… Continue reading Why Choose CIPP when Renovating Your Property

Three Reasons CIPP Installation is Totally Safe


CIPP installation is not a dangerous proposition. Careful inspection nips disaster in the bud. The risk during digging is minimal, and best of all CIPP liners are totally safe. You don’t have to worry about chemicals or danger: the EPA says so. 1. CIPP installation comes after careful inspection Before CIPP technicians dive into the… Continue reading Three Reasons CIPP Installation is Totally Safe

Why Cleaning Before CIPP Installation is Important


One of the final steps before having your new CIPP pipes installed is thoroughly cleaning the host pipes. There are three main reasons for this step. First of all, grease and dirt in the pipe affects the curing process. Secondly, smooth pipes are stronger and more efficient. Last, but not least, cleaning your pipes sometimes… Continue reading Why Cleaning Before CIPP Installation is Important

Debunking Common CIPP Myths


CIPP myths are more common than they should be. A lot of what people hear about CIPP is distorted. Though an established practice, CIPP is still under-utilized in the USA. CIPP is a long-lasting, flexible, and well-tested solution to pipe trouble that may not set back your budget as much as you think.  CIPP is… Continue reading Debunking Common CIPP Myths

Trenchless Solutions for Upgrading Your Pipes


Trenchless solutions are highly sought after for commercial pipe repairs. Upgrading your pipes before a big disaster hits, is a great way to avoid costly repairs. Trenchless solutions are less damaging to your landscaping, easy to integrate with your existing pipe network, and have a longer lifespan than traditional pipe repair. You have two main… Continue reading Trenchless Solutions for Upgrading Your Pipes

Four Advantages CIPP Has Over Pipe Bursting


Pipe bursting is a great solution to many problems with your pipes. However, CIPP presents significant advantages in many situations. While all trenchless pipe repair is simpler than traditional pipe repair, CIPP is often a better fit than pipe bursting. These four advantages push many business owners towards CIPP over pipe bursting. 1. Not disruptive… Continue reading Four Advantages CIPP Has Over Pipe Bursting